Prize Book

  • 1. All entry forms and fees must be mailed to AAHA, Box 451, Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 before August 22, 2024; emailed and e-transferred to by September 5, 2024 at 9pm; or delivered to the Agricultural Hall on September 5, 2024, between 3-9pm.


    2. All preregistered exhibits are to be delivered to the Agricultural Hall between 3-9pm on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Exhibits must be in place and ready for judging by 9pm.

    3. No names will appear on exhibits or be in possession of judges until after the awards are made, when the name will be affixed to the prize ticket(s).

    4. No person shall make more than one entry in each class in Divisions C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, N, P, Q, R, S, and T. Two or more persons may not exhibit in the same class for prizes from the same garden, orchard, greenhouse, nursery or farm for Divisions B, D, F, G, K, and W.

    5. Exhibits may not be removed before 7pm on the day of the Fair unless otherwise noted.

    6. The Association will not be liable for any loss or damage to the exhibits.

    7. No exhibitor shall be awarded more than one prize in any one class (4-H animals competing in their own class are exempt). All classes will have one prize for each placing.

    8. Judges have the authority to withhold prizes from any exhibitor they deem of insufficient merit.

    9. All articles and work must be made by the exhibitor and not previously exhibited in Agassiz.

    10. All articles of produce must be grown by the exhibitor and a product of 2024.

    11. Stock exhibits must be in B.C. and the property of the exhibitor for 14 days prior to show.

    12. All exhibits of stock and articles of manufacture of every kind are eligible for entry for prizes only by the owner or authorized agent(s).

    13. Water for stock will be provided on the grounds.

    14. The President and Board of Directors of the Association shall have the supervision of the grounds and exhibits generally.

    15. All prize standings awarded by the judges must be displayed on the articles during the Fair. Any infraction of this rule will incur the forfeiture of any premium awarded.

    16. In the absence of competition in any section the judges will award prizes only as they see fit. ONE ENTRY IN A CLASS DOES NOT GUARANTEE A PRIZE.

    17. Awards for “Most Points” in divisions will be calculated on the following basis: 1st Prize scores 3 points; 2nd Prize scores 2 points; 3rd Prize scores 1 point.

    18. No person shall interfere with the judges while executing their duties or thereafter use abusive language to any judge in reference to the awards made by said judge.

    19. Any person knowingly violating any rules of the Association will forfeit and be barred from receiving any premiums that may be awarded them and may also be excluded from exhibiting in future for such period as the Board of Directors decide.

    20. In case there are not enough funds to pay all prizes in full, they will be paid pro-rata.

    21. Should there arise any dispute not governed by the by-laws or rules and regulations of the Association, it shall be referred to the Board of Directors whose decision shall be final.

    22. All protests and appeals must be made in writing, stating plainly the cause of complaints, and must be delivered to the Secretary with a deposit of $25.00 before 4pm on the day of the Fair. In case the protest is not sustained, the deposit is forfeited and added to the funds of the Fair.

    23. For prize money not picked up at the Corn Bank on the day of the Fair, exhibitors must send a list of their awards to the secretary within one month of the date of the Fair. After October 14, 2024, all prize money not claimed will be considered a donation to the Fair.

    24. Payment of a single membership of $2.00 entitles a member to all the privileges under the rules of the Society’s governing membership. This does not include admission to the Fair.

  • 1) Browse the prize book and note the Division and Class of each item you would like to enter.

    2) Fill out the entry form, including the Division and Class of each item. Please use a separate entry form for each person.

    3) Tally up entry fees (see list below) and SIGN the entry form.

    4) Entry Registration options:

    a) Bring entry form and fees to the Agricultural Hall on Thursday, September 5 between 3-9pm. Forms will be reviewed by volunteers to ensure you are entered in the correct categories. Do not take your entries to the Hall.

    b) Mail entry form and fees to AAHA, Box 451, Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0. Entries must be postmarked before August 21, 2024.

    c) Email forms and e-transfer fees to Entries must be received by September 5, 2024, at 9pm.

    Note: Ensure accuracy of forms if mailed or emailed. Errors may not be found if mailed or emailed. All entry fees are nonrefundable.

    5) Entry Drop-Off: bring preregistered entries to the Agricultural Hall on Thursday, September 12 between 3-9pm. You will receive exhibitor tags for each item you are entering. Attach tags to each entry and bring items to designated are in Ag Hall.

    6) Prize money can be picked up from the Corn Bank in the lobby of the Agricultural Hall on Fair Day.

    * Entries can not be removed from the Agricultural Hall until 7pm on Fair Day. This rule is strictly enforced.

    * Exhibitors who do not want to keep their entries can donate them to a FUN AUCTION that is held in the Hall around 8pm on Fair Day.

    All are welcome to attend the auction! Proceeds go to the Agassiz Agricultural and Horticultural Association.

  • Division (Q) Children’s Arts & Crafts TINY TOTS (age 0-5) FREE

    All Children/Junior entries $1.00

    Children/Junior exhibiting in any Adult Class $1.00

    Age 18 & over (all Divisions & Special Classes) $1.00

  • The following awards, as well as 4-H awards, are presented at a 4-H Achievement and Awards Ceremony in mid November at the Ag Hall.

    Individual with the highest aggregate points in the Fair will be awarded the Centennial Trophy by the District of Kent and a prize of $50.00 by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 32.

    Family with the highest aggregate points in the Fair will be awarded a trophy and a prize of $250.00 by Dr. J.A. Freeman Family. For the family to be eligible, one or more of the children and at least one of the parents must have exhibits in the Fair. The family eligible for this prize must reside in the District of Kent, Harrison Mills, or the Village of Harrison Hot Springs. This award will be based on the Open Classes only.

    School-aged boy & girl with the highest aggregate points in the Fair will each be awarded a trophy and a prize of $15.00 by the Agassiz-Harrison Lions Club. This award will be based on the Open Classes only.

    Junior Grand Aggregate point winner of all classes in the Fair will be awarded the HUB International Broker’s Trophy, as well as a special prize of $30.00 by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 32.